A Welcome Message From Our Club President

Welcome to the Rotary Club of Fleetwood. More importantly, welcome to the world of Rotary, where your ideas, enthusiasm, and energy are welcome. Rotary International is a global organization of 1.4 million people. We are a network of 46,000+ Rotary clubs in over 200 countries. We promote peace; fight disease; provide clean water, sanitation, and hygiene; save mothers and children; support education; grow local economies, and protect the environment. The Rotary Club of Fleetwood advocates for youth through our Scholarship program, Student of the Month recognition, Camp Neidig leadership experience, Four Way Test Speech Contest, and Student Exchange opportunities. We invite you to learn more about the Fleetwood Rotary Club and Rotary International . . . and invite you to join us in our journey of “Service above Self.”

                                                      Frank Brown

                                                        President; 2024 – 2025

During our Feb 5th morning breakfast at Moselem Springs Golf Club, Liz Werner, Executive Director of Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Berks County joined us. She shared many of this group's wonderful impacts in our local area and shared opportunities for our team to assist. 
Jim Reece, Executive Director of Friends Inc. shared some eye-opening statistics about neighbors in need and how this beneficial community program is helping out residents. You can find out more about their services and impact at their website: https://www.friendinc.org
During our 12/18 breakfast meeting, one of our Rotarians' granddaughters Eva shared her experience as a Rotary Exchange Student in Germany.
During our November 20th breakfast meeting Kirsten Haas, Executive Director of Girls on the Run of Berks County shared the impact the club has had. She also shared how beneficial this event is to many regional girls.
Newtown Rotary presentation
A team from Newtown Rotary including their president Debra Lynn Porter shared how they began a new group, "Next Gen" to bring in younger members to form another group within their Rotary chapter. Click below to visit their website
Branden explained how he cares for Bees and harvests honey from his bee hives in Reading. You can check out his story and order honey from his website at Uncle B's Bees
Rotarian Steve Shappell presented a check from Blue Marsh Insurance presented a check to the club as the charity for August. 
Amy Sheller, 7430 District Representative for Social Media provided updates, and information for the coming year
During our August 7th Breakfast Meeting at Moselem Springs Golf Club, District Governor Katie Farrell paid our group a visit to provide her insight for the upcoming year of Rotary.
During our Breakfast meeting Denice Fulmer accept our Rotary club's donation to the Friends of Fleetwood Area Library.
Let’s Welcome our 2024-2025 District Governor as we all “Make the Magic Happen.” Watch Here
We hope you were able to attend our car show this year! It was a great success; you can see all the great photos by clicking the image above or on our Show of Wheels page. Thank you Samantha Stoltzfus & Nick Stoltzfus for the Pictures, Videos, and Drone footage.  Click here to see the 2024 video! See you all next year!
We recently completed a Rotary Pollinator project at Fleetwood Park as part of Earth Day.  We thought you might like to see the results, which turned out fabulous!
Our District Governor's message for June can be watched here. Please watch to learn more about Rotary Fellowships, so many groups to choose from!
We celebrated a few of our club members receiving Paul Harris awards during our weekly breakfast meeting on June 5th. Thanks to all and your generous contributions.
Each month members of our Rotary club give back to the local community by delivering nutritious meals to residents. In May we delivered 19 meals.
We had a great time with our hosts at The Barn at Walnut Grove. Thank you, fellow Rotarians from The Kutztown Club, for putting this event together. It was a blast!
Amy Sheller, 7430 District Representative for Social Media provided valuable insight on how we can get the message out on the importance of Rotary and the impact we have on the community.
Robin McPeak from Partners in Parenting/LIFE House in Reading spoke to us about their program and service to parents.
Please click the link to view the video! Or use this link instead
Thank you to all the students who participated in our 4-way speech test and best of luck to our winner moving onto Regionals!
Several members from Fleetwood Concern reviewed their program during our breakfast meeting by reviewing the valuable services they provide in the local community.  Please consider reading more about the impact they are having while considering a donation:  https://www.concern4kids.org/
 At our last breakfast meeting in February, Dr. Robert Farina & Natalie Lytie spoke about the Brandywine Heights Area School District's Dolly Parton Imagination Library. Our Rotary Club helped to fund some of the activities for Brandywine and Fleetwood. It is a great program, and please find additional information at their website: https://imaginationlibrary.com/ 
At our last meeting in January, Alicia Ruiz-Orbin from our Emmaus club explained the value and opportunities of Rotary Fellowships.  Check them out, and we are certain you can find one that suits you!
During our November Breakfast, J. Garth was presented with another Paul Harris Pin for his contributions.
Blue Marsh Insurance was Rotary's September charity business. For each referral, the agency donated $10 to our Fleetwood Rotary Club. Thank you for the generous donation!
Summer 2023 Camp Neidig attendees shared their experiences at our 10/30 breakfast meeting
During our first October breakfast meeting, District 7430 Governor Diane Donaher joined us to share insight into Rotary's plans for the upcoming year. We also were honored to share our meal with the interact students plus the Fleetwood and Oley students of the month (see menu above for photos). 
At our 8/20 Breakfast meeting Denice Fulmer from Friends of the Fleetwood Library discussed their goals.  Rotary provide a donation to assist.
Paul Harris awards for Richard Meares at our July breakfast meeting. Thanks for your contributions!
Another record-breaking year at the Show of Wheels, and we were lucky to showcase one of the few Fleetwood Cadillacs at this year's show. We had over 450 registered! Click on the picture to see additional photos provided by Jesse Leonard @BlUEMARSHSTUDIOS on Instagram for the 2023 show.
New members joined the Fleetwood club during our June breakfast meeting.  Welcome!
Paul Harris awards for Roger and Garth at our June breakfast meeting. Thanks for your contributions!
Are you ready for the 2023 Show of Wheels? Our team has been prepping for months for this exciting event on June 10th at Fleetwood Park. We hope to see you, Please click on the trophies above for more information and a link to the registration flyer.
During our 4/19 breakfast meeting, Kirsten Haas from Berks County Girls on the Run shared news about their non-profit efforts and upcoming events. Please donate to this worthwhile cause here!
At our 4/5 Breakfast meeting Loretta Ottinger discussed our club's April 29th event at the park and some other ideas for the future.
Luann Sambini joined our Breakfast meeting to share the history and fundraising in progress for Historic Bahr's Mill. A great piece of history we should help to protect!
Paul and Sharon Shealer, from Evergreen Acres in Schuylkill County, PA, joined us at our March breakfast meeting at the Grand Central Tap Room in Fleetwood.  They shared an amazing story about being a part of the selection process to have one of their trees win the honor of the White House Christmas tree in 2022. 
Our Fleetwood Rotary has setup a new opportunity to raise funds for our important causes.  While also having a great time! Please join us at Folino Estates for another great event and see if you can figure out who did it.
Summer is coming, and our 2023 Show of Wheels is shaping up to be bigger than ever! It is never too late to sign up, and please download our flyer here
Philip and Tara joined us from Peter Piper Pickles during our December 7th breakfast meeting.  They shared their story on how their business began and what the future may bring.  Check them out at the Renninger's Market or on the web; you won't be disappointed!
Reading Musical Foundation
During our 11/30 Breakfast meeting, Keri Shultz shared how this over 80-year-old local program greatly impacts our local community through music. They can always use some help please check out their website below! The Reading Musical Foundation provides funding support to more than 20 different funded organizations and special music and allied arts projects in Berks County. Last year, appropriations to these groups exceeded $200,000. The Scholarship Program provides more than a dozen different offerings and has awarded over $1,000,000 in scholarship grants to future musicians since its inception
Shannon Crooker, PA Director of Generation180 joined us for breakfast at our meeting on 10/5.  She presented information concerning schools' solar energy usage and her organization's efforts to help PA schools to find cost savings by utilizing solar energy.
Dan Lynch retired from PA Game Commission, where he worked to promote wildlife education across the agency.  During our September breakfast meeting, he shared details on education objectives and tools used throughout the state. Did you know you can request a wildlife box to use in classrooms to aid in teaching about our wildlife? There are also great resources available on their WOW website
We had a great time at our Evening Mixer on 8/24 at Anita Trinket. What a great story of how they moved to this historic facility.  You should stop by and see what this local business has to offer as soon as you have the opportunity!
At our 8/3 Breakfast meeting, Brady Whalen, Eagle Scout candidate discussed his project. He is working with the Borough to complete a landscaping beautification project in Fleetwood.
Another Great Show of Wheels event. Thank you to all attendees and volunteers! Please click the picture for a slideshow from this years show!
Linda Mayger, our Shelter Box Ambassador visited our club on 4/6 to speak about this impacting program and how Rotary District 7430 has made a difference through their donations. Please check out Shelter Box and all they do and donate!
In March we had six students compete during our 4-way speech test at The Moselem Springs Golf Club. All of the students were from Fleetwood High school; it was a great evening.
Rob Turchi, Executive Director of Hope Rescue Mission, joined our evening mixer at Moselem Springs Golf Club on March 9th.   He provided an overview of their mission and showed new photos of the improvements they have made + the exciting new project LightHouse for Women and children soon to begin!  What a great cause and program, please visit them for more details: https://www.hopeforreading.org
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Fleetwood, PA (5428)

Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Wednesdays at 7:30 AM
Moselem Springs Country Club
684 Eagle Road
Fleetwood, PA 19522
United States of America
Breakfast meetings are the 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesdays of the month at Moselem Springs Golf Club. Evening mixers/meetings are the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at designated locations.
Club Executives & Directors
President Elect
Immediate Past President
4Way Speech Contest
Chairman, Fleetwood Charitable Foundation
Interact Liaison
Interact Advisor



Fleetwood Rotary would like to thank you for your gift.

To donate, either click the PayPal icon or scan the QR code below 
